Monday, April 27, 2009

more rough draft of dream maker don't read only posting here because i don't have microsoft word to save it to

Dreams can be achieved they are in multitude everyday.

One of Evgeni's biggest loves was fly fishing. After years of practice he had become quite good. The catch of the day was sold at the town market. Often he would give away his biggest fish to the most needy family. He detested the word need. It sounded so mean and insulting when it left his lips.

A woman dreamed of becoming a singer and that day she bumped into a singing/vocal coach. Or rather the singing coach bumped into her and she felt so guilty that she offered the woman free singing lessons. That lady went on to become a famous singer. The same thing happened with an inspiring pianist. That very day a young man came across a piano at a yard sale reduced to nearly 10% of the cost because the family dreamed of living farther out west and couldn't afford to move it and therefore simply wanted to get rid of the bulky thing as soon as possible. Of course it was due to Evgeni that they found this perfect new dream house. The piano teacher was constantly dreaming of falling in love and although Evengi didn't condone a teacher falling in love with their pupil they were a perfect match.

A lot of dreams fell into place like that, all because of one fraction of a change made by the Dream Maker.

His appearance was neither that of a young man or an old man. At 6'3" he was considered tall in this area. He weighed exactly 220 lbs a number that hadn't changed since his 25th birthday. He was now 40. He looked in his mid-thirties due to his thick although perfectly groomed beard. If he were to shave it he would no doubt appear 25 again. The age when he discovered his ability.

He worked on dreams from 10:00am to 5:00pmwith a few breaks in between.
He read from 9:00 to 10:00Pm and wrote from 10:00 to whenever he was tired. Reading before hand helped expand his mind for the writing process.

He drank tea every morning. Leaves from his own backyard. If asked he claimed it helped him stay sharp.

Breakfast was at 7:00am. He went fishing at noon and he at lunch and went on his nature walk. Then he traveled into town and did his daily business. Even finding time to tutor students after school.

Evengi led a rather busy yet carefree life. It was nearly the perfect medium. Some might be bored with such a routine, but he found excitement in everything and excitement tended to follow him. Go figure.

In the evening he watched sports like everyone else. He smiled when he recognized a face or name that he had helped along to stardom. Also, he watched his favorite T.V. shows and there too he would read off familiar names.

Dreams of becoming a lawyer, doctor, and teacher.
A life long dream of an exotic vacation finally coming to fruition. Or finding the funds to visit a loved one they haven't seen in awhile. A lot of times while they are on their death bed. Fleeting moments they are able to capture and grasp onto. Memories that in their wildest dreams never thought were possibly to obtain.

Make your dreams a reality.

As cliche as it sounds dreams of a house with a white picket fence and a tire swing in the front yard were actually common. On the weekends he even helped paint some of those fences and rolled out tires from the junkyard like they were doughnuts.

He wasn't exactly a master carpenter, but he was good with his hands. With the right crew he could easily put up a house in three days.

He could only deal them the right cards it was up to them on how they played them.

Note to self: Ask people their dreams.

Dream about getting into a certain college or passing an exam. Some people couldn't make up their mind. It was confusing when people constantly changed their dreams. Evengi put those ones on the back burner. He called them fickle dreamers. Changing their minds like the wind changes directions.

Dreamed of being together with someone.
Dreamed of buried treasure.

His favorite dreams were from those that truly were ambitious and had already set out to accomplish them on their own.

His feelings, thoughts on so called impossible dreams. They were in a whole separate classification of dreams.

A certain archaeologist who dreamed of finding Egyptian toms and by God he did with little to no help from Evgeni.

Nearly died of thirst. Money for equipment.
Dreamed for a body of water to appear.

On prayers and dreams almost being the same thing. It was often times difficult to tell the difference. Prayers were in a way dreams and dreams were in a way prayers. Same could be said about wishes although they tended to lean more to the emotion of hope.

Note to self: Make them into chapters.

Evgeni's feelings and thoughts on impossible dreams. Every one should have the opportunity to dream. The desire to do so. However, it is hard to help an incredibly low intelligence person all of a sudden become a genius. A genius of one specific field of study perhaps. If that is all they study about and learn about they can become an expert. Everyone can obtain an area of expertise. Or learn a certain skill. Therefore reaching their dreams of being a genius.

Most of the time people wanted something they couldn't have. If they did have it then they didn't want it anymore. Or it would no longer mean anything to them. Once it was in their possession they were on to better and better things. It was the continuous reaching that made life worth while and worth living.

Evgeni didn't get bent out of shape when people thanked God for answering their prayers when it was really him fulfilling their dreams. The attention was unwanted and he was glad to go unnoticed. He could override God's decisions but choose not to do so.

To quote a line from a Bruce Springsteen song, who Evgeni listened to regularly. "A poor man wants to be rich and a rich man wants to be king."

A man once dreamed of flying. Another man dreamed of creating light. Some of the credit should go to the Dream Maker of their day.

Failed dreams, broken dreams, shattered dreams.

Dreams of coming to America. Dreams of a better life. Those must have been the good old days of being the Dream Maker. People didn't dream of too much just what they were entitled to as human beings. That Dream Maker had it made, Evgeni would often joke to himself.

People who reached their dreams just to lose it all because of poor choices. Not to be stereotypical but the majority of these cases were athletes, actors or actresses, and if you factor in really recent time politicians. All you seemed to hear about recently were people falling from grace.

Who dreamed of being a politician anyways? A debater? Someone who seeks power, a natural leader. A liar dreams of being a politician. They have to be. The bad thing is when they get tangled up in their lies. Then they dream of a way out of their mess. A real predicament that is. It was extremely hard for Evgeni to let someone off the hook. He was on the fence when it came to second chances. Sure everyone deserved a second chance, however; there were a lot of people waiting in the dream making line for their first chance. So, how was it fair if someone blew it and got another chance? A third or fourth attempt at their dreams?

Dreamed of being President. No comment on how that happened.

This wasn't genetic. It wasn't hereditary. Or was it? Evgeni grew up an orphan. Never knowing his father or mother. No family that he knew of. It was hard to dream for a family he never knew. Although he dreamed of one day having his own. A big family, to make up for the one he never had. If his dad was a dream maker surely, he would have stuck around a little longer to see Evgeni grow up. Unless his father dreamed of not being a family man. Maybe he was a loner. Maybe he didn't mean to get his mother pregnant. Either way, where was his mother in all of this? Did she not want a family too? No one knew or at least no one bothered to tell him anything about his family history. The people who raised him should know something about his past. They were an elderly couple and they passed on before his 25th birthday. He loved them dearly, but it was hard to make a connection with people who could easily be your great grand parents and weren't even actually related to you. He didn't mean to sound ungrateful though, because he wasn't that type of person. He often thought about his parents when he was younger, but soon that faded away. Thoughts like: who they were, what they did, what they looked like?

Having a picture of them would be nice. If one existed he could, if he wanted to, find a way to discover it. He considered that cheating though. If he wanted to he could follow a father to a picture album of his family.

The possibilities were endless, but he was afraid that once he started granting his own dreams he wouldn't be able to stop. This was a huge responsibility, to be in charge of.

Dream of having different colored eyes, different colored hair, and changing other physical appearances and traits. Basically changing things that made you who you were as a person. HE wasn't the inventor of plastic surgery. He didn't believe in it. Unless it was a life threatening needed surgery or a burn victim. One where without it life was unbearable to the person. Some may take that notion to an extreme though. An already beautiful person with low self-esteem saying they can't live life unless they are perfect.

Woman dreamed of biggest breasts. Losing weight. Evgeni would point them in the right direction by spotlighting an ad in the paper for a gym membership or a treadmill in the classified. Losing weight was another of the most wished about dreams. People were always dreaming of losing weight. Most of them wouldn't take action. It wasn't a diet they needed. They needed to change their life style. Dieting alone does little to nothing.

All of them were searching for some miracle diet. Evgeni believed in eating chicken, fish, and vegetables.

If they were full and there was still food on their plates they would eat it anyways. That was annoying to him. Then they would just sit in front of the tube for the rest of the night. Go for a walk or something. Evgeni would say to himself. It was nice out invents in a bike. Go hiking. Anything would help burn calories.

Some people truly were born big boned or with a bigger body and couldn't help it. Medical procedures were being thought of and improved all the time.

It wasn't as easy as just eating healthy. Even vegetarians can sometimes be overweight.

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