Saturday, April 16, 2011

dropping a bomb song for your mom

your tight rhymes inspired me to write tonight

i may be white but you can't tell at night

when the lights off we all see the same sight

i won't bite but i'll try with all my might

i'll keep fighting until i get it right

i don't want to see updates on tragedies
i wish the news would just lie to me
show me something positive
not just something causitive
they want to get a reaction
when i just want a distraction

mainstream is shit

underground is legit

if a rapper cuts a record deal

its like he quits being real

an excuse is just like a noose

you gonna hang yourself cut loose

users abusers

i'm a refuse to lose-er

give you a sample

you can't handle

more time should be spent

on what i meant my intent

the hook IS the content

the lyrics represent

the chorus is a supplement

a fraction a small segment

not even 25 percent

you should concentrate on the whole

would you rather have a field goal

or march all the way for the score
win by seven or lose by four
i'll always take the more
rather have a good girl or a whore?
rather be rich in life or poor?

these are such easy questions

yet you still need suggestions

the fourth batter gets all the chatter

spin the platter the table setters matter

solo shots alone don't win games

couple runners on is when it rains

put the numbers on the board

let 'em know you really scored

you can't see stars

from behind bars

you can't reach your dreams

only banking on schemes

even when the situation seems extreme

boil like steam and rise like creme

don't give in to hate

go ahead alter fate

and set a date

i cant wait

i want to trademark my stage name
i want to step-up up my game
raise my music my brand to a whole new level
i wanna spin it like the tasmanian devil

they call me the lyrical miracle
i get a little bit satirical
but its all based on emperical...knowledge
so you best acknowledge i went to college
i know that dont really mean shit
but at least i didn't quit-legit

i may be cynical and get a little clinical
try to be a critic
i'm better than you
do the math i'm analytic
no matter what you do
your just parasitic

dissing you in my flows
cuz everybody knows
your rhyming blows
rapping bout hos
tried to spit you froze
you know how that goes
like leaves you decompose
your bout to be foreclosed
don't forget your clothes
you just got pantyhosed

copyright trade mark this shit(C)(TrM)whatever it is Ha don't steal it
LYRICAL MIRACLE and of course Thug $mi!ey d@ r@p $t@r Representing $pit on the $pot Dropping rhymes so damn hot the Virtouso Freestyler on fire

It's not my fault my free-styling verses don't get no play
Because airtime is locked up like mail on a holiday

pick a winning number for me

Why do people let so much drama in their life? I mean they just open the door and say come on in, take a seat, make yourself comfortable, have something to eat. Then they always wonder why it's staring them in the face or mostly stabbing them in the back. If you accept drama it will overrun your life. If you bow down to drama it will conquer you. Just a suggestion, I know it's hard to comprehend, but maybe YOU should change something??

What happened today. Not a whole lot. Just went to work submitted
a bunch of articles. Then covered a game. Haven't had much time to think
I should see a shrink. I'm on the brink. haha just clowning fool. i'm so cool.
i wish i had a swimming pool. for real i do.

reverse raffle tomorrow night should be fun
i hope i win some monies
post a number of what i should get on a sideboard and i'll buy it
please put a number 1-200
dollar board
two dollar board
three dollar board
five dollar board
i think ten dollar board is 1-100
i'm going to play some blackjack

song i'm working on
I've become what I hate

Did what I never wanted to do

Feelings I never wanted to feel

Thoughts I never wanted to think

To me it wasn't worth the give and take

So I refused to break

I'll bite the bullet

Others gave in

I won't cave in

I dont' want to play by your rules

When they don't make sense

Go against everything I stand for

You get what you want and you just want more

Your just an attention whore

Pick myself up off the floor

I won't fall for you anymore

joe budden is sweet and a lyrical genius u should listen to him

went to arby's for the first time in twenty years
love their curly fries and their chicken sandwich is better than mcdonalds and wendys'

i should go there more often

Thursday, April 14, 2011

jean jackets

why is paper so expensive? no one uses it anymore except elem. kids.

why is it average joe looks dorky in a jean jacket but if a famous actor wears it
he's considered a fashion genius. i realize that average joe's jean jacket is like 40 bucks and the other one is like 500 bucks or somehting but still even if the actor wore the 40 dollar one still people would go crazy
shit pisses me off

i dont want a jean jacket at all but just seen someone walking down the street with one and thought he was a dork but in mens health they have jean jackets all the time

jean jackets are like canadian tuxedo's

the best thing about short hair is not having to comb it.

found a new joint with really wet wings

christina perri jar of hearts example of a great song and who do you think you are running around leaving scars collecting your jar of hearts and tearing love apart you're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul

shitty song keri hilson pretty girl rock my name is keri i'm so very fly oh my

well thats my opinion what is yours? which is a better song voteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
jar of hearts or pretty girl rock

can't wait for the office will ferrrealllllllllllll

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

good things

Sometimes, once in a great while, good things actually do happen to good people. Case in-point I donated a dollar to some taco bell/long john silver thing and I had this coupon for two pieces of chicken, two hush puppies and fries. After paying I was handed a cup. I thought it was a little weird, because I didn't expect a drink but I thought maybe it was on the coupon. When I opened my box I had three pieces of chicken and coleslaw. So all things told I got a free drink, free coleslaw and free piece of chicken. There chicken is so good!!

It's great to see people out walking around town.

go pensssssssssss!!!

song i'm working on

once upon a time
we all lived happily ever after
can we get back there
the way things use to be

do i need your written permission
do i need your stamp of approval
do i need to raise my hand to be called on
do i have to wait in line
when i've already waited my turn

friend or foe
i don't know
show your true colors

with fingers crossed
i say a prayer
and wish upon a star

i love putting on my clothes and smelling ur perfume
i love the way your smile lights up the room

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

random stuff and south park


wtf tbh fml ikr lmao we should all talk like that notttt

just shut up nothing every good comes from me talking

your weirder than the kid who collects picture frames without pictures

the littlest things make me happy

have you ever had a black and gold
i guess its 3/4ths of your cup dr. pepper and 1/4th of your cup coke

heartless like the oldman in the quick and the dead
now that is fucked up

people who read my blog are awesome

apparently no one wants to read my blog

What are some ideas you would like south park to do a tv show about?

Desperate housewives southpark?

Some new stud mailman character needs to come on the show
sleeping with liane cartman would be too easy everyone does that

parody of the view? i hate that talk show

maybe a soap opera south park episode


is there a fan fiction south park site?

i should write an episode of south park.

what else has happened thats so stupid in this world for south park to do an episode on?

i wonder how they come up with ideas matt and trey are so freaking clever and brilliant

have they ever made fun of donald trump?

they should do an episode where officer barbrady runs for president because that would be almost just as dumb as the don being prez

i mean the your fired line would fit perfectly with they took our jobs!!!!!!!!!

i know south park will have something with charlie sheen for us this year
they already had him in sex school


i forgot what i was going to blog about

i burned myself today

Never chase an animal across the street. the animal chasing almost always gets hit because they aren't paying attention

Steak N Shake is really awesome has that 1960s feel. good service, good food, good prices. i love chicago dogs lately. dollar dog night at progressive
field will be sweet.

lame my internet won't work i'm so pissed i'm blogging on notepad and praying it comes back on
theres no relief in sight i hope i can make it through the night haha for real though
it better work when i wake up it better be everyone's internet around me and not just mine

i made this bowl that fits perfectly inside another bowl it is so sweet you have to see it to understand and appreciate it

i glazed two more cups yesterday just have to wait until the kiln is fired up to pick them up
i went with some shade of exotic blue it said.
i wish i was in this pottery glass so baddddd

If a girl likes renting movies on manic monday for 79 cents and then buying some m&ms or snickers or oreos or nerds
and a tub of icecream and making homemade blizzards and just chilling and cuddling and watching movies then she is for me. plus we can make some popcorn.
if she likes catching a ball game and going to the beach. no this isn't the pina colada song okay. we would then have to burn a lot of calories.

i rented the switch and the crazies tonight

Going to rise against concert on may 6th it should be sweet going to a high school baseball game at progressive field (cleveland indians) on may 5th i have to call and get a press pass and stuff

doing each other solids i think that is a funny phrase of doing favors for your friends good expression

i'll do you a solid brah like for real brah anything you want you got it

i want to go to hawaii what wonderful weather they must have
it's suppose to snow again this weekend. the middle of april and its going to snow i hate northeast ohio
can we please catch a break.

i got some cherry yum fun dip
my favorite part is the sugar stick they should sell a package with just them

what mixture is better? sweet n salty or sweet n sour or sweet n spicey?

favorite chicken wing favor?
mine is parmesean garlic

so i guess the lube has triple atomic now and its like ridiculously hot

i should sleep but i can't
i'm playing mahjong titans since i cant get on the internet

going to ohio state spring game on april 23 going to watch the lacrosse game first should be sweet cant wait to fill the shoe

Monday, April 11, 2011

mind is lost

poem i wrote today

When will summer finally arrive?

It makes you feel more alive

Stimulates everything to thrive

Stirs the buzz in the hive

Causes the birds to take a dive

There’s no more snow to melt

At least not for now…

More will come somehow

I forgot how good the sun felt

Then it hid behind the clouds again

There are puddles on my sidewalk

From raining round the clock

Oh when will the downpour end?

Everything around me is soaked

And my front yard is overflowing

Oh how the flowers will be growing

With Mother Nature so provoked

This year I’m a believer

I’m getting baseball fever

When will we get a game in?

So my team can finally win

learn how to play casino

Learned a really awesome new card game called casino. i'm not an expert on it. but these are the rules as far as i know. its really fun and takes some strategy.

You pass out six cards each to two people.

There is eleven total points. whoever gets the most points wins obviously

ten of diamonds is three points
two of spades two points
most spades one point
most cards one point
each ace worth one point

you throw down a card and if they other person matches it they get it

if someone throws down a five then you can throw down a four and make it a nine only if you have a nine in your hand and then your next turn you can get it you can also stack a nine and freeze if you have two or more of something and no one else can get it

you can get all the cards that add up to what you have

after the six cards are done then you pass out four to each then four again then four again and then you count up the points

its really sweet it takes awhile to learn especially when the person telling you the rules leaves out a lot
i picked up on it really quick though and i want to play again really bad
but no one knows how to play it sucks

i want to play dominos too where you add up the ends to ten, 15, 20 and sums of five etc.. and collect bones

i really need to get a haircut especially with warmer weather coming. anything other then shaved hair annoys me like a three on top and a two on the sides

make sure you visit team313 greatest site ever

more people should comment on my blogggg

why is it i'll do anything for you and you'll do nothing for me

indians 7-2 hell yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh braves not doing so well though :(

should i grow a beard for the nhl playoffs and not shave until my team loses?

tomorrow is manic monday where movies are only 79 cents at drugmart. what movies should i get? i want a couple of really good ones that i haven't seen yet.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

still need more followers...lame

Finally watched jackass 3d it was alright. i think the first two were better. they do some sick stuff. real weirdos.

Thanks to my family for not saving me any pizza.

I went to the lube last night. Watched the indians. they are 6-2 now. amazing. i hope the pitching staff holds up.

its so nice out. i wish i had something to do.

i hope rory mcllroy wins even though he is european.

who do you think will win the nba playoffs? i think it will be miami vs lakers and miami will win. i hate miami so bad. but bibby, wade, james, bosh that is intense they will all pick up in their game in the playoffs. you can't guard wade and lebron in the playoffs. i think it will be impossible. we will see though. i hope they get knocked out of the first round. chicago could be really good though. rose and boozer. deng and brewer.

if it wasn't so muddy it would totally be flipflop time. i can't wait to wear my man-dals.

making some chicken with a buttermilk brine

Friday, April 8, 2011


Thanks to the person that commented on my blog. Even though it was mean all comments and opinions and comments are welcomed. Sorry that you feel that way, I hope you come back to see improvements. What can I do to make my blog better please tell me? You the reader matter a lot to meeeeee!!!

Long day, got a lot accomplished though.
I guess Manny Rameriz retired?
I hope the pens overtake the flyers tonight!!!

Geez what else happened today? I don't even know i was cooped up in my office all day.
My friend nick got a gf. Congrats to him!! I still can't believe it!!! haha.

Can you believe all this stuff happening in the government? Troops won't get paid? WHAT BS. Come on, oh what happens if DC shuts down who the hell cares dc does nothing. I'll just listen to postal service instead of collect my mail from them. I mean seriously the government is so stupid. Post your opinion and lets debate!!!
I love me a good debate. I hate closed minded people.

Will try to write more later. I think I'm going out tonight.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

more to come later today

So, I think this might actually work. I just need to figure out how to get more traffic to my site and people interested in my blog.

Question of the day. Do you think alcoholism should be considered a disease?

This week has been some serious april showers. I hate rain, but it is way better than snow. I can't wait to start going to the beach. I want to throw the pigskin around and play some vball. Also look for some beach glass. I finally got a diamond drill bit to make jewelery. Maybe I can make a link and sell it on my site hahah. That would be sweet. If you want to buy some beach glass let me know!!

The Indians are 4-2.
I'm excited for the nfl draft at the end of the month.
New south parks starting up soon.
I want to see fast five at the end of the month.
I'm excited about this reverse raffle i'm going to. I hope i win money. does anyone have some lucky numbers for me to get?

"i wish i was special but i'm a creep i'm a weirdo what the hell am i doing here i dont belong here ohhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhh"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

rough draft of cristobal

Darlington was well respected on land and on sea. He had reputation for being a great swordsman as well. A master with the sword an expert at fencing. He owned a fleet of ships like a boy would have a box of toy soliders. The money was inherieted and handed down for several generations in his family.
His father was in charge of the military and had pull in the courts as well. Noe one would ever question or challenge his authority at least no one who knew any better.
LaRose was an open eyed free spirit who followed his heart. His mind and body were both solid and srong but his heart often got him in trouble.
He didn’t fall in love easily, but he wanted to know this lady on the shore. He wanted to know everything and more. Who was she? What were her hobbies? Did she walk into the village with a handerchefikf and patt her forehead to eliminate eventeh tiniest hint of a swaet and twirl an umbrella on a sunny day? Did she avoid puddles at all cost? Didd she handle itemds with gloves? Was she her own woman? Did she have a brain? And more importantly did she use it? What was her opinon on the world the war politics religion almost all one and the same? Did she have a cause or was she mrely a monateroy donation at a chartity a token a presence a trophy or was she truly the award.
Did she like fancy things how did she treat her maids her servants? What was she doing here today in this very spot? What was her purpose her destination her fate. Did our pathes cross intersect or go separate ways? Was she my paralle line that I could never touch? Or were were the same line? Was she the x of os many treasures I heard about as a child?

Cristobal was merely a ship hand on this voyage on this voyage. He learned the trade from his father who was forced into service after being a life long master carpernter. His father never rose in rank, but he worked hard and knew everything about a ship. He knew his way hme no matter where this ship lay under the blanket of the stars. He was a family man. His job was more important than the first lieetuent and everyone else on board. The doctor, the cook, the carpenters all were over looked. He saved the ship from the graveyard of he sea and every sailor from drowning.
The storm reaked havic on the sails and the cannon balls destroyed the poles. A ship with no sails is often like a dropped anchor. He had to salvage what he could and fix and cut and hammer and construct as best he could. He had to ptatch holes and on top of all that he had to fight and he hadto be a father to a host of young and often inexperienced sailors. The rations were low and the trips were dastardily long. Homesick, seasick, natural dieses set in. He would have to tend to those needs ad the doctors was a drunk and he himself was not cut out or meant for the effects of the sea. A minor wound could mean death and a needle through the nose and a toss into the sea as the waves rose.
His father told so many stories so many nightmares that were real fictional accounts of what happened. He tried to scare him from that lifestyle from that ordeal. It only made him more curious more interested more brave and daring. When most boys learned their ABC’s he was tying knots and charging the stars, studying maps and reading about explorers. He dualed with wooden swords and battle local boys with slingshots. Everyday a new bruise a black eye and dirt mixed with blood. He was tough and he had the scars to prove it. Wild as he was he was tamed and disciplined and smart. His love for exploration broadened his mind to great lengths.
Through interests and imagination he learned what everyone else did just a different way . His way, his method, his ideas and he enjoyed it. He learned to read, science, math all through his traning to be master of the sea. He didn’t know the despair his father went through when you wer away from your love at home. He would realize it when he has to part from Isabella. The commitment it took , the lives it took, the lives it effected. When away at sea he left nothing behind noe he left everything so much to lose and what could he possibly gain at sea?Admirality? medals? Fame fortune treasure recommandations honors on paper?

I'm going to start blogging again

I want people to come here and tell their friends and click things. I want to see if this google adsense thing really works. Plus I want people to read what is on my mind and to tell me what is on their mind. I want lots and lots of viewers and readers and clickers. Sorry to self promote, but I want to see if it's legit.

You should visist it is the best site ever. Especially if you love south park and family guy.

Question of the day. If you could have one super power what would it be?