Monday, June 22, 2009

working on it

Last Friday. I want to stay angry, so I actually do something about it! Damned if I do, damned if I don’t. Is how I feel about the situation. Ugh.

I saw a car surrounded by 6 or 7 police cars with their light. Also, I saw what looked to be a 12 year old black boy pulled over by a cop. I swear there is no way he was 16.

What a major disappointment it was to not get to go on that field trip.
This scar on my bicep that was barely noticeable before, keeps getting bigger.

You’re an itch I didn’t scratch
I never struck the match
You didn’t let the feelings hatch
You were always just out of reach
Like a lost ship searching for the beach
Like a little kid trying to pick a peach
My will power had nothing to do with it
You and I just didn’t seem to fit
Just let it disappear, fade away
I’ll forget about you some day
In time I won’t feel it anymore
Eventually I won’t be so sore
I won’t hold you as high
As those stars once in the sky

Had a dream that 10,000 drug-dealing rebels were charging across the field toward my house about to slaughter my entire family. I wasn’t even smart enough to get in my car and drive away and my dad was halfway between them and the house running down the road. Maybe I was waiting for him to make sure he was okay. I think my cousin was the first to die, because he was part of the drug deal and there were a few semi-trucks. I don’t know how 10,000 rebels fit in 3 semi’s but they kept coming out of the woodwork. A lot of other weird and crazy stuff happened but I forgot it all. Always seems to be the case.
I seriously don’t know how guys grow their hair out so long. Like when does it get to that point. I just want to get it to the longest I’ve ever had it.

It doesn’t matter your size or your age
It doesn’t matter your job or your wage

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