Friday, December 11, 2009

start of more to come?

Just so everyone knows, I wasn’t exactly lazy. I just hadn’t blogged for awhile because I like to type out everything on Microsoft word first then copy and paste it into my blog and my computer lost everything and I didn’t have Microsoft for awhile and now I do. I have the newest version and I don’t understand it at all. Ugh, how I hate change.
I put in an application at Wal-Mart. Hopefully, I’ll get a call and the transition goes smoothly. I don’t like change that’s why it took me so long to finally decide to quit. At least I will have health benefits and 401k and all that jazz. That should be beneficial and a vast improvement over the nothingness I have now, but I wish it was closer.

I received more beer kits in the mail. They are huge. Can’t wait to make one. I think this Saturday if anyone wants to watch. Hope everything will work out with my dual co2 pressure gauge if not that’s another 130 down the drain.

Wish list contacts

Ignore them. That’s so hard to do. They are some of the worst listeners.

Cavs are currently in the midst of a two game losing streak. Not good. Plus they lost to the bobcats recently. Haven’t been able to watch them on T.V. much. Sad about that.

I hate when T. V. seasons end and I have to wait for new episodes.

I’m hungry 1:40pm and I haven’t eaten anything yet.

The bonsai trees finally came in the mail. I already got the pots and drip trays. They are so tiny. They will take forever to become real bonsai trees. I need to get a finished Bonsai tree so I can maintain it. I wish they would grow like chi-pets. Def have to work my patience. This is sure to help. It will be like watching a little kid grow up before my eyes. It will out live me. Unless I don’t take care of it properly. Wish me luck.

I want to start running daily. I have super bad running skills though. Cardio is not my friend. I have to work my way up.
Rough draft of a kid’s song very beginning stages. Like just jotting down anything I think of
Titled we all sniffle

We all sniffle
Each and every one of us
Babies whine and fuss
If we leave our book bag on the bus
If they are hungry sleepy

Both young and old
When we have a cold
Or after a long cry
Blow our nose
When we get the shivers
We blow our noses
When we have leaky hoses
Firm hug a gentle tug
Pat on the back to put me on track
Why do babies cry?
Attention. Hurt?
Tissues, issues

A girl who likes frogs and worms but not snakes. That is uncommon.

Dog named handsome.

It’s almost Christmas. Almost a New Year. 2010. WOW. Plus, sadly another year older. 27. I feel so old. I mean the age seems old to me. I feel 18. I wish I was 18 again. I wish I could start over. I would do so many things differently. I’d try to take a debate class maybe even do UN or chorus basically all the things I thought were dumb in high school I now wish I would have done. I’d still suck at singing though.

Sports are so overrated in terms of what matters. Staying in shape matters though. Being on a team matters. Being part of something. Where will that get you in life? Some people all they can talk about are sports. How lame is that? Not much of a personality. I want to be deeper than that.
I do everything for this girl and for what. Nothing in return except a whole lot of self pity…

Miserable. Down.

What makes me happy?

I want to do an ABC list
Obviously I got a little lazy and I can’t think of everything off the top of my head. I will surely update this later. I hope. For now.
Answers. Astronomy, Aristotle. Appreciate. Art. Ambition. Animals.
Baseball. Beer. Bonsai. Basketball. Boxing. Books. Breasts. Bench. Blue. Berries. Beauty. Bowling.
Cribbage. Clothes. Cooking. Cards. Calligraphy.

Dreams. Darts. Debating. Dice. Differences. Dominoes.

Loyalty. Lists. Laughing. Love. Life.
Romance. Reading. Reason.
Smiles. Sports. Sex.

Innocence. Imaginations. Irony. Imperfection. Infinity.

Goals. Golf. Games. Green Tea.
Fruit. Father. Fly-Fishing.

Pride. Principle.
Humor. Honesty. Honor. Hoodies. Hockey. Hair. Hugs.
Movies. Music. Mother. Mancala. Magic. Massages.

Things I need
Turface Clay
Organic Potting Soli
Aged Pine bark or pine mulch
Bonsai scissors
Branch cutter
Wire cutter
Aluminum wire
Wire pliers
Bowling shoes.
Things I want to do or take up
Basket weaving. Pottery.

Fancy parking spot away from the petty folk
Everyone’s a little bit happier on a Friday

Demoralizing working there

Your denials are tearing me up inside. But I won’t let them out.

Go figure another lie another broken promise it’s so hard to let go to move on

Gotta change what I can now.

I want to make a space saver table. With like hidden storage.

Do some soul searching. I really need to write more.

Flood of tears. Down pour. An open door that was closed before.

The songs that make me think of you make you think of someone else
It’s so freaking cold.

Another rough draft children’s song
This is the choo-choo song
Where we go chugging along
We blow our whistles
And toot our horns
We toot our horn since the day we were born
Can you count the puffs of smoke by grabbing them out of the air?

Tracks transportation exploration discovery train caboose engineer passengers
Puff puff puff toot toot toot choo choo choo chugga chugga chugga

The gates go down and you stop
The gates go up and you go (drive)

I’m weird I know
I’ve been here before each time hurts more
So many guys knocking on your door I was never jealous of you and him I’m only jealous of you and them some other random guy who gets the next try while I’m just another passerby

Just watched Mr. Smith Goes to Washington for the 150th time. Inspiring.

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