Saturday, April 16, 2011

pick a winning number for me

Why do people let so much drama in their life? I mean they just open the door and say come on in, take a seat, make yourself comfortable, have something to eat. Then they always wonder why it's staring them in the face or mostly stabbing them in the back. If you accept drama it will overrun your life. If you bow down to drama it will conquer you. Just a suggestion, I know it's hard to comprehend, but maybe YOU should change something??

What happened today. Not a whole lot. Just went to work submitted
a bunch of articles. Then covered a game. Haven't had much time to think
I should see a shrink. I'm on the brink. haha just clowning fool. i'm so cool.
i wish i had a swimming pool. for real i do.

reverse raffle tomorrow night should be fun
i hope i win some monies
post a number of what i should get on a sideboard and i'll buy it
please put a number 1-200
dollar board
two dollar board
three dollar board
five dollar board
i think ten dollar board is 1-100
i'm going to play some blackjack

song i'm working on
I've become what I hate

Did what I never wanted to do

Feelings I never wanted to feel

Thoughts I never wanted to think

To me it wasn't worth the give and take

So I refused to break

I'll bite the bullet

Others gave in

I won't cave in

I dont' want to play by your rules

When they don't make sense

Go against everything I stand for

You get what you want and you just want more

Your just an attention whore

Pick myself up off the floor

I won't fall for you anymore

joe budden is sweet and a lyrical genius u should listen to him

went to arby's for the first time in twenty years
love their curly fries and their chicken sandwich is better than mcdonalds and wendys'

i should go there more often

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