Friday, April 8, 2011


Thanks to the person that commented on my blog. Even though it was mean all comments and opinions and comments are welcomed. Sorry that you feel that way, I hope you come back to see improvements. What can I do to make my blog better please tell me? You the reader matter a lot to meeeeee!!!

Long day, got a lot accomplished though.
I guess Manny Rameriz retired?
I hope the pens overtake the flyers tonight!!!

Geez what else happened today? I don't even know i was cooped up in my office all day.
My friend nick got a gf. Congrats to him!! I still can't believe it!!! haha.

Can you believe all this stuff happening in the government? Troops won't get paid? WHAT BS. Come on, oh what happens if DC shuts down who the hell cares dc does nothing. I'll just listen to postal service instead of collect my mail from them. I mean seriously the government is so stupid. Post your opinion and lets debate!!!
I love me a good debate. I hate closed minded people.

Will try to write more later. I think I'm going out tonight.

1 comment:

iWoman said...

That comment! LOL.