Tuesday, April 12, 2011


i forgot what i was going to blog about

i burned myself today

Never chase an animal across the street. the animal chasing almost always gets hit because they aren't paying attention

Steak N Shake is really awesome has that 1960s feel. good service, good food, good prices. i love chicago dogs lately. dollar dog night at progressive
field will be sweet.

lame my internet won't work i'm so pissed i'm blogging on notepad and praying it comes back on
theres no relief in sight i hope i can make it through the night haha for real though
it better work when i wake up it better be everyone's internet around me and not just mine

i made this bowl that fits perfectly inside another bowl it is so sweet you have to see it to understand and appreciate it

i glazed two more cups yesterday just have to wait until the kiln is fired up to pick them up
i went with some shade of exotic blue it said.
i wish i was in this pottery glass so baddddd

If a girl likes renting movies on manic monday for 79 cents and then buying some m&ms or snickers or oreos or nerds
and a tub of icecream and making homemade blizzards and just chilling and cuddling and watching movies then she is for me. plus we can make some popcorn.
if she likes catching a ball game and going to the beach. no this isn't the pina colada song okay. we would then have to burn a lot of calories.

i rented the switch and the crazies tonight

Going to rise against concert on may 6th it should be sweet going to a high school baseball game at progressive field (cleveland indians) on may 5th i have to call and get a press pass and stuff

doing each other solids i think that is a funny phrase of doing favors for your friends good expression

i'll do you a solid brah like for real brah anything you want you got it

i want to go to hawaii what wonderful weather they must have
it's suppose to snow again this weekend. the middle of april and its going to snow i hate northeast ohio
can we please catch a break.

i got some cherry yum fun dip
my favorite part is the sugar stick they should sell a package with just them

what mixture is better? sweet n salty or sweet n sour or sweet n spicey?

favorite chicken wing favor?
mine is parmesean garlic

so i guess the lube has triple atomic now and its like ridiculously hot

i should sleep but i can't
i'm playing mahjong titans since i cant get on the internet

going to ohio state spring game on april 23 going to watch the lacrosse game first should be sweet cant wait to fill the shoe


Robin said...

I had to blog on notepad the other day. It suckeddddd. I feel your pain.

Also, Hawaii is awesome. Lived there for 3 years. Hardly ever rains. Constantly 80's.

I agree with the fun dip. I wish they would make a candy just made out of the sticks.

Sweet 'n Sour rocks.

And if "as hot as you can possibly make them" isn't a wing flavor, then I guess ranch. Or honey mustard. Mmm... honey mustard wings. (Not as good as make-you-sick-hot though. Good stuff)

Reading Revival said...

Hey, thanks for coming to my blog. You should come back more often and follow me. i wish i lived in hawaii. i can't believe you love super hot wings most girls don't.