Friday, May 8, 2009

don't understand

Is it just me or do women look hotter when they are driving in their cars? I pass all of these girls and I'm like shes hot, but where do all these women go? I never see them anywhere outside of their vehicles. I guess anyone can technically look good from the neck up from ten or so feet away for about two and a half seconds. I imagine women feel the same way about men in cars. Or maybe it's just that we only remember the ones we think are good looking and just forget the rest or don't pay attention to the rest.

I would like to see Stone Hedge. Make my own miniature Stone Hedge.

Had this song on my mind all day. Hero, Mariah Carey

My chest hurts. Sharp pain. Not good. I think it's from the sets of pull-ups. Didn't go to the Y to run because of it.
Did six sets of pull-ups and some leg exercises. I don't want white, skinny legs.

Ran with Jared later that night though. Man do I suck. It's embarrassing.

2 bags of fritos for breakfast. Cup of orange juice. Way to go Byron. Plus I had a hard boiled egg before that. Had a big lunch that day too. It's Thursday by the way. 1 and a half grilled cheese sandwiches, over a bowl of tomato soup, bowl of fruit, and a pickle. Might as well talk about my dinner too. Stir Fry, two helpings man was it delicious. Then I went to Jared's to run like I said and watch the Cavs. Didn't drink any beer because I want to have abs. Like that will really happen. Confidence.

Happy Mother's Day on Sunday to all the mom's out there and a special Happy Mother's Day too you. Wish I could take you out on a date for it.

Printed out all the Mens Health reports at work. About 40 pages hell yea. Take that low paying job. Way to sock it to the man. To me it's like ten bucks worth of ink at least. Especially, since mine is full but won't print worth a damn. Bought two years worth of Mens Health for 40 dollars. I think it's a good investment.

I stress myself out. I want to own a home so bad.

Your complexion looks great, tanner, really beautiful.

Why does everyone ignore me? She don't even care.

Shocker on American Idol on Tuesday. Sorry Allison.

Want to jump rope but the concrete messes up my new jump rope cord.

Steady life style of exercises, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
Bought soy milk, bananas, almonds, strawberries, green peppers, cucumbers, grapes, and apples.

So the toddlers made Mother's Day Cards. Flowers with their hand prints. So, I wrote a poem to go inside of it. It went like this:

We don't know what is with all the fuss
Because if it were up to us
Mother's Day would be every day of the year
On both rainy days and clear
No matter what, because you're always there
Showing us how much you care
So, we would like to return the favor
And hope this card you will savor

A small token of our affection
For always pointing us in the right direction
Helping us with small tasks like putting on our shoes
And singing us a comforting song when we got the blues
But we're growing older by the hour
So, remember our little hands with this flower

Not bad, for literally three minutes? Eh?

Someone from Pakistan or some place just called me from a restricted number and woke me up and I couldn't understand a word of their babble, but they continued to call like 20 more times. I'm kind of irritated.

I want a Mountain Dew so damn bad. But I'm trying to resist the urge.

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