Monday, May 18, 2009


It's been awhile. Did you miss me? Apparently. If you're still coming back to see if I posted a new blog. I bet you were excited when you saw that there was a new one. I've missed posting. So don't worry it's a two way street.

I bought one of my toddlers moms a shot on Friday night. It was funny.

Ran last night. Up and down my road. Also, jumped rope.

Have to stick to my lifting ritual this week. Shouldn't be too hard it's only three days a week, but our schedules have to match up or else I have to do a lot of extra driving.

Still no new car. Almost got one though.

Headache from hell

Went to the flea market in Andover. Tried to picture where you lived and tried to find where you work. Bought some hot yellow peppers and some kiwi. Would be sweet to have someone to watch a movie at the drive in this memorial weekend. Any takers? Hint, hint.

Love the X-ray of your hand. Brought a welcomed smile to my face. Wish I could give you an x-ray of my heart and you can observe how you broke it. Especially, when you threw it away.

They say kids smile like 250 times a day or something and adults smile only 6 times. I smile a lot just most of the time people don't see it.

I like it when I talk too, but I'm not going down that road alone.

The Magic of Lang Lang. I need to buy that cd. Kinda sounds creepy though doesn't it?

These are some thoughts I jotted down in days past.

Why am I hungry? I ate a banana and a nutrition bar this morning. need to go to that website and check it out

Ran at the Y
I want to play a dice game.
Why is everyone so unsatisfied with their job? It sucks. I wish we could all have our dream job. I don't mind working, I just want to do something I enjoy.

College is worthless. Except for the few friends I made.

Want to do something this weekend? I asked you that. You didn't reply. Obviously the weekend is over already so yeah.

I'm excited I actually have memorial day off, too bad I don't get paid for it though.

Doing chest, abs, and back workout tonight. (Friday) Then finally going to see X-Men.

That is a whole story in itself. Like three people talked on the phone during the movie. Some teenagers literally had full conversations during the whole thing. My friend went over to them and asked if they wanted to refund him his money since he couldn't hear the movie over their talking. It was funny.

They don't need more toys they need happier teachers. If I've said this before, it needs mentioned again.

I know someone who would be a perfect candidate to blog. I wouldn't read it, but she should do it. Instead of telling me the same thing over and over. All she does is talk, talk , talk. Blog and get it off your chest. Her talking is like my breathing she has to do it to survive or something.

I've been under the weather for like a month straight. Will it ever get better? I work out, I don't drink pop anymore, for the most part I'm sleeping better, but I still don't feel healthy. What gives?

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